♦ Have you ever wanted to hate on someone but didnt have a venue to do it?

♦now you do and you dont have to worry about being suspended etc just for talking!

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♦ NOTE: Your first 3 blog post will be moderated, Not because we care what you say it’s only to keep the “bots” away.

♦ After 3 post your blog will go straight into the stream




Hey Evening every one or what ever time it is right now…You can look right there at your clock…… ANYWAYS! The reason I said Im copy writing the joke/Phrase Anything having to do with “Lucifer becoming a Pocket Girl” Is mine. Not Only that one but: WE Become Pocket Girls I Become a Pocket Girl Is because Ive been burned


Hey Demoncrats Im here now sooooo When Trump gets into office: Your NOT going to protest AT ALL! Your NOT filing impeachment shit Your NOT burning down anymore American citys like you idiots did last time Your NOT turning anymore killer virusus loos Your NOT stalking anymore supreme court justices Your NOT jailing anymore innocent people Your NOT running around


Ah Man! I just remembered, I just got the best news I’ve ever gotten EVER! THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! I only have to die one more time!!!!!!!!!!!! How crazy is it, That that would be the greatest news I’ve ever gotten lmao Thats because you guys don’t know how the story goes as usual You start your story at Jesus and