Ah Man!
I just remembered, I just got the best news I’ve ever gotten EVER!
THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!
I only have to die one more time!!!!!!!!!!!!
How crazy is it, That that would be the greatest news I’ve ever gotten lmao
Thats because you guys don’t know how the story goes as usual
You start your story at Jesus and Dont even acknowledge the fact you left off the entire first half of the story all together!?
Why don’t you tell the people the real story I don’t understand!?
Why don’t you want people to know about her?
You know “The Queen Of The Entire Universe”?
The Most beautiful Entity in the history of time?
The one that keeps coming here and telling you people you better stop your shit but you guys wont even listen to HER!!!!!!!!!
I had two more times to go…It gets pretty complicated lol…
But the second time I died it would have been the bad death NOT the go to heaven death!!
I was devastated I didn’t get to spend eternity with the Queen!
I read this stuff I write and Im like……”This is the craziest shit I’ve ever read”!!!
Anyways…Now I don’t have to die the last time which is VERY good news!
See and Im already dead now so technically I don’t have to die any more times lmao
Talk about WHEW!!
Talk about dodging the proverbial bullet!